Mourning a Conservation champion and an Exceptional Ornithology Guide David Ngala

David Ngala at Sabaki River Estuary,Malindi.

I learned with a lot of sorrow the passing on of my friend, colleague and a mentor  David Ngala on Wednesday Morning 8th June,2022.It was very difficult for me to comprehend as I was with him on Monday morning of 6 June,2022 in my brief visit to Arabuko Sokoke forest,his home ground.

David Doing what he does best

He did his work diligently like he always does and within one hour he had shown my clients two pairs of Sokoke Scops Owl,both grey-brown and rufous  morph,before we were interrupted by some rains .It was like he was saying goodbye to me.

Our group birding Arabuko-sokoke forest with David Ngala just a day before I got the sad news

His knowledge of the forest is incomparable …he literally knew each and every sound emanating  from that forest .He was a great teacher and I was privileged to have attended his classes for over 9 years.  For a person of his stature he was a very humbled man and a great human being.

Photo Credit:Friends of Arabuko-sokoke forest

The global birding community will indeed miss his intoxicating smile and enthusiasm that David brought in every tour he guided. He was always willing to push further and he never stopped trying for a new species of birds that his clients had in their wish list. David’s patience with birders was extraordinary…..I am sure most birders who have had the opportunity to be guided by him will agree with me on this.

David Ngala treated us to this beautiful creatures on every visit to the forest.Impressive.

I cherish the good time that I shared with David and I will dearly miss him as a great friend and colleague.David Ngala good work for conservation of Arabuko Sokoke forest and disseminating knowledge to global scientists and nature lovers will forever be remembered.

Sokoke Scops-Owl.I doubt if would have seen them with David help!

Fare thee well David! You have fought a good fight,you have finished the race and kept the faith.Your memory will live on and sure enough we will be joining you soon when our time is up…..I hope that it will be a great reunion God willing.

Kwaheri Mzee David Ngala.Safiri Salama Rafiki.