Fischer’s Turaco (Tauraco fischeri),the Musophagidae family member found a long the East Africa Coast.

Fischer’s Turaco, Photo by Juhani Vilpo

Fischer’s Turaco is a commonly recorded species along the East Africa coast.Birders will surely encountered the species when birding subtropical or tropical moist lowland forest of Arabuko Sokoke forest,Shimba Hills national park and Amani nature reserve located in Eastern Usambara mountains.

Fischer’s turacos have amazing shades of green feathers marked with touches of red and white. Easy to distinguish with its crimson crest, nape, and primaries and inner secondaries. The crest is tipped with black at the tallest part, white on lower portion. The upper parts are green- blue to violet-blue, with lower belly being much darker. The red bill has white lines both above and below the black lore area; bare orbital skin is red and the eyes are brown. The wings are rather short and rounded; tail is long. Turacos are noted for peculiar and unique pigments, giving them their bright green, blue and red feathers.